A Literature Review of the Implications of Learning Engineering Design Processes in Mathematics Subjects for Primary School
Engineering Design Process, Mathematics Instructional, Systematic Literature Review, Mathematics EducationAbstract
The process of thinking is a critical component of problem-solving. The Engineering Design Process introduces a fresh perspective to the cognitive process. Engineers frequently implement this methodology due to its capacity to analyse and resolve issues in a meticulous and focused manner. Currently, this process is expanding into the realm of education. This study is a scholarly examination of the implications of this process for the teaching of mathematics in primary institutions. Several empirical studies have been reviewed using the PRISMA technique, utilising data from the search engines SCOPUS, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science. Articles published between 2010 and 2024 were reviewed. This article concentrates on the discussion of the engineering design process in the context of learning, the incorporation of mathematics topics, the target students, and the implications for students. This article provides a comprehensive examination of the practical implications and recommendations for future research from a variety of perspectives.
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