Performance Benefits of Carbonated Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse


  • Muhammad Adi Asymawi Aminuddin Faculty of Sport Science and Recreation, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Arau 02600 Perlis Malaysia
  • Ahmad Dzulkarnain Ismail Faculty of Sport Science and Recreation, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Arau 02600 Perlis Malaysia
  • Harris Kamal Kamarudin Faculty of Sport Science and Recreation, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Arau 02600 Perlis Malaysia



carbohydrate solution, carbonated, mouth rinse, exercise, performance


A significant amount of research has been done on the benefits of consuming carbohydrates while exercising, especially for longer workouts when endogenous glucose levels are low. Consuming carbonated carbohydrates has the important effect of postponing exhaustion by preventing the body from using up its essential energy supply for activity. It is common knowledge among athletes that impact on the mouth's oral receptors by causing sharpness and acidity could give sensation to the mouthfeel. However, given the nature of the running, for example availability of fluids, it may be difficult for athletes to rehydrate in a true race situation. Carbohydrate mouth rinsing has been shown to improve extended exercise performance as an alternative to drinking. The fundamental process behind this enhancement has been linked to the stimulation of the brain behavioural centre and oral receptor, which both boost exercise performance and are related to rewards. The efficacy of carbohydrate mouth rinsing has been the subject of several investigations. Even though the results of these trials give strong support for the theory, more research is needed to light on the impact of carbohydrate mouth rinsing on prolonged exercise performance. These concerns include how the carbonated carbohydrate drinks could affect how well mouth rinsing with carbohydrates works for endurance activity.


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How to Cite

Aminuddin, M. A. A., Ismail, A. D., & Kamarudin, H. K. (2024). Performance Benefits of Carbonated Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse. Jurnal Sains Sukan & Pendidikan Jasmani, 13(2), 58–67.

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