Factors that affect students in UPSI managing their online purchasing behaviors
Online Purchases, Quantitative Statistics, University Students, Consumers, ManagementAbstract
This study is conducted to determine the factors and examine the extent to which the relationships between the following factors, benefit perception, risk perception, hedonic motivation, security factor, and website design influence online purchasing behaviors among students in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). This study utilizes a quantitative approach using a stratified random sampling technique. It is analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. The study samples consist of 377 UPSI students through collecting a distributed questionnaire via a Google Form link. Descriptive analysis finds that all factors that influence online purchasing have very high mean scores, with all mean scores of more than 4.30. Meanwhile, Pearson correlation analysis discovers that only risk perception and security factors are positively and highly correlated. Meanwhile, the other variables, either have positive and moderate or positive and low correlations between the paired-studied variables, with all values of r > 2.80. Apart from that, three factors, risk perception, hedonic motivation, and website design, are identified as having significant relationships with online purchases through multiple regression analysis. In conclusion, online purchasing depends upon risk perception, hedonic motivation, and website design factors, while benefit perception and security factors are not important elements when it comes to online purchasing.
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