The Income-Expenditure Management of the Economic Literate Students


  • Norasibah Abdul Jalil Faculty of Management & Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Hamidah Yusof Faculty of Management & Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Norlela Ahmad Faculty of Management & Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Khalizul Khalid Faculty of Management & Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia


Economic literate, income, expenditure, saving


Kajian ini bertujuan mengenalpasti tabiat pengurusan pendapatan dan perbelanjaan di kalangan pelajar-pelajar IPTA. Responden bagi analisis ini adalah dari kalangan pelajar yang mengambil bidang-bidang yang berkaitan dengan Perniagaan, Pengurusan, Perakaunan, Keusahawanan dan Ekonomi. Bagi mencapai objektif ini, analisis-analisis berikut telah dijalankan iaitu; analisis pendapatan dan perbelanjaan. Analisis simpanan dijalankan dalam dua bentuk, satu mengikut butiran yang di isi di borang soal selidik dan yang kedua, diterbitkan dari analisis pendapatan dan perbelanjaan. Dapatan kajian bagi setiap analisis diperoleh melalui ujian deskriptif. Dapatan bagianalisis pertama mendapati, tiga sumber utama pendapatan pelajar datangnya dari PTPTN, ibubapa dan biasiswa. Dapatan bagi analisis perbelanjaan pula mendapati, perbelanjaan tertinggi, dengan nilai purata lebih dari RM200, tertumpu pada kos makan dan minum, yuran pengajian, kos buku dan alatulis, kos pakaian dan kasut. Purata tingkat pendapatan dan perbelanjaan mencatatkan nilai sebanyak RM952.3014 dan RM1047.60. Ini memberi indikasi berlaku lebihan perbelanjaan sebanyak RM95.30, yang juga memberi gambaran tingkat simpanan pelajar adalah negatif. Bagi mengesahkan dapatan ini, ujian tabiat simpanan pelajar dijalankan. Keputusan yang diperoleh merumuskan, umumnya majoriti responden melakukan simpanan, tetapi disebabkan konsistensi pengeluaran tidak
dikawal, hasil akhir menyebabkan simpanan bersifat negatif.

This study seeks to identify the budget management behavior of the college students. The respondents are of Business, Management, Accounting, Entrepreneurship and Economics majors. To achieve this objective, the following analyses are carried out, namely; the analysis of income and expenditure. To figure the saving behavior and the saving status of the respondents, the tests are conducted in two ways; by filling in the questionaire set, and second, by deriving the outcome from the previous income and expenditure analyses. The results are obtained through descriptive statistic analysis. The results of the first analysis found that the three main sources of revenue come from PTPTN, allowance from parents and scholarships. The results of the second analysis found that; expenses of more than RM200 mainly focus on food and beverage items, tuition fees, cost of books and stationery, the cost of clothing and footwear. The average level of income and expenses values are RM952.3014 and RM1047.60. This finding gives an indication that there is an excess expenditure of RM95.30, which implies a negative saving. To reaffirm this result, students saving habits is conducted. The finding reported that, in general, majority of the respondents do savings. Since the consistency of withdrawals are not controlled, the end result is negative savings.





How to Cite

Abdul Jalil, N., Yusof, H., Ahmad, N., & Khalid, K. (2013). PENGURUSAN PENDAPATAN-PERBELANJAAN DALAM KALANGAN PELAJAR-PELAJAR CELIK EKONOMI: The Income-Expenditure Management of the Economic Literate Students. Management Research Journal, 2, 19–30. Retrieved from

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