What do the L2 Generalizability Studies Tell Us?


  • James Dean Brown University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, Campus Rd, Honolulu, Hi, UNITED STATES of AMERICA


generalizability theory, norm-referenced relative decisions, measurement facets, variance components


This research synthesis examines the relative magnitudes of the variance components found in 44 generalizability (G) theory studies in L2 testing. I begin by explaining what G theory is and how it works. In the process, I explain the diffrences between relative and absolute decisions, between crossed and nested facets, and between random and fixed facets, as well as what variance components (VCs) are and how VCs are calculated. Next, I provide an overview of G-theory studies in L2 testing and discuss the purposes of this research synthesis. In the methods section, I describe the materials used in this research synthesis in terms of the samples of students, the tests, and the G-study designs used. I also present the analyses in terms of how the datawere compiled and analyzed. The results are sorted and displayed to reveal patterns in the relative contributions to test variance of various individual facets as well as interactions between and among facets for different types of tests. I next discuss these patterns and put them into perspective. I conclude by exploring what I think the results mean for L2 testing in general.



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How to Cite

Brown, J. D. (2011). What do the L2 Generalizability Studies Tell Us?. Asian Journal of Assessment in Teaching and Learning, 1, 1–37. Retrieved from https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/AJATeL/article/view/1895