Involvement of Orang Asli Youth in Vocational Education and Training in Malaysia: Aspirations and Outcomes


  • Norwaliza Abdul Wahab Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia
  • Ridzuan Jaafar Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia
  • Sunarti Sunarti Universitas PGRI Yogjakarta, Indonesia



Orang Asli Youth, Orang Asli Employment, Skill and Training, Vocational Education and Training, Malaysia


Skilled human capital is highly important in economic development. This career aspiration is to create a skilled workforce in a country. A lack of Orang Asli involvement in vocational fields is worrisome for many parties, especially the government. Thus, this study aims to explore the participation and involvement of Orang Asli youths in Vocational Education and Training (VET). Qualitative research methods were used in this study to provide in-depth knowledge of the involvement of Orang Asli youths in VET. Ten Orang Asli youths from various ethnics groups, aged 17¬–18, were selected as study participants. Data were obtained from semi-structured interviews and document analysis. From the analysed data, themes were pointed out and a triangulation technique was performed to determine the validity. The findings showed that awareness about VET among the Orang Asli youth is satisfactory. This paper also will discuss the involvement of Orang Asli youth in VET courses nationally and the unemployment among the Orang Asli youth because of their lack of skills and training required by employers. This paper also presents conclusions and recommendations to improve the participation of Orang Asli youth, especially in employment prospects and to enhance their socio-economic status among the communities for a brighter future.


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How to Cite

Abdul Wahab, N., Jaafar, R., & Sunarti, S. (2020). Involvement of Orang Asli Youth in Vocational Education and Training in Malaysia: Aspirations and Outcomes. Asian Journal of Assessment in Teaching and Learning, 10(2), 18-26.