Characterizing the challenges as correlates of senior high students’ profile in the new normal setting
Assessment, challenges, senior high school, COVID-19 pandemic, correlational analysisAbstract
In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, a direct shift from face-to-face classes to online learning causes various challenges for students. This article aimed to assess the different challenges of students that they are experiencing during the pandemic and correlates them with their profile. Cross-sectional and primary data from 190 random samples of senior high students were gathered at Visayas State University-Senior High School, Leyte, Philippines. The data concerning students' profiles and challenges were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, percentages, and graphs, and Chi-square tests were employed to determine a uniform distribution and association among variables. The results showed that students are "rarely" challenged with a lack of usable gadgets and technology illiteracy. Students are “sometimes” challenged with poor internet connectivity, lack of a conducive place, and poor cognitive thinking. And “often” challenged with extraneous distractions, social expectations, and poor health. The Chi-square revealed that poor health is associated with the student's grade level, gender, and household size. Moreover, the family monthly income of students is correlated to poor internet connectivity, lack of a conducive place, technology illiteracy, and poor health. Plus, gender is significantly related to social expectations. Conclusively, students' poor mental and physical health must be addressed by the teachers by giving them lively, doable, and interesting activities. Teachers also must provide printed modules and tasks so that students may not spend more on gadgets and the internet. Furthermore, teachers must undergo some training in online learning to remedy the challenges, poor health, and well-being of students while learning online.
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