Analysis of Contributing Factors Towards Misuse of Drugs and Rehabilitation Efforts in Terms of Cognition in PENGASIH Centres, Malaysia
Analisis Faktor Penyumbang Terhadap Penyalahgunaan Dadah dan Usaha Pemulihan dari Segi Kognisi di Pusat PENGASIH Malaysia
drug abusing, cognition, PENGASIH centres and hermeneutic pedagogy methodAbstract
This study aims to analyse the contributing factors towards the misuse of drugs and rehabilitation efforts in terms of cognitive in PENGASIH centres. The respondents of this study consist of six PENGASIH centres from all over Malaysia. Pedagogical hermeneutics method is used to interpret the interview texts that were collected from the respondents. The focuses of this study’s outcome consist of the factors of drug addiction, efforts to overcome drug addiction, programs or activities that were carried out, the way the drug addicts are cured from addiction, the drug addicts’ favourite activities and the staffs’ characteristics in those centres. Continuous efforts from government and private bodies could help them to get rid of drug addiction forever.
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