Gerontology Counseling Competency for Counselors in Malaysia: Addressing the Aging Population's Mental Health Needs
Gerontology counseling, counseling competency, counseling older adults, older adults, mental health needsAbstract
The aging population in Malaysia faces unique mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety, loneliness, and social isolation. To improve the mental health and overall quality of life of Malaysian older adults, it is essential to identify the need and develop the necessary competencies for counselors working with older adults. This review article includes the increasing prevalence of mental disorders among older adults in Malaysia and emphasizes the need for enhanced access to effective mental health care and the gerontology counseling competencies required to address the mental health needs of the aging population. It also highlights the importance of incorporating gerontology counseling courses into the curricula of public universities, establishing competency standards, and fostering collaboration among counselors, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to improve the mental well-being and overall quality of life for older adults in Malaysia, which aligns with the National Policy of Older Persons (2011). The methodology involved conducting a literature search, screening and selecting relevant studies, and synthesizing the findings.
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