A Guided Discovery Learning Model to Improve Conceptual Understanding in Learning Physic


  • Geetha Subramaniam Mathematics, Science and Computer Department Polytechnic Sultan Idris Shah, Sungai Air Tawar, Selangor, MALAYSIA
  • Rasidah binti Sapri Mathematics, Science and Computer Department Polytechnic Sultan Idris Shah, Sungai Air Tawar, Selangor, MALAYSIA




Physic, Perception, Discovery Learning, Learning Model, Conceptual


Physics, a fundamental branch of science, significantly contributes to a wide range of inventions starting to revolutionize contemporary life and has helped to describe many daily events in detail. Physics is vital for understanding the complexity of current technology and is crucial for the technical advancement of a nation. However, despite its importance, physics is the least popular science subject among students. Students appear to view physics as conceptually tricky and abstract. Utilizing a learning model to improve physics students' conceptual comprehension is possible. The guided exploration approach is a tool for teaching concepts under the supervision of a teacher. This strategy encourages students to participate actively in the development of knowledge. Aim of the study is to explore usage of the guided discovery learning model to promote conceptual comprehension among engineering science students and determine the perceptions of engineering science students regarding guided discovery learning in physics. Purposive sampling was used to choose participants for a pre-and post-testing design involving a single group. Polytechnic Sultan Idris Shah chose fifty students in the first semester of engineering science. Questionnaire and 30 multiple choice questions used to collect data. Guided Discovery learning approach proven can foster an effective learning environment and enhance students' conceptual knowledge of physics. Furthermore, the findings discovered that students responded positively to applying the guided discovery learning paradigm in physics education. The outcomes of this study provide important information regarding using this model to enhance conceptual understanding among study and overcome obstacles in physics education.


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How to Cite

Subramaniam, G., & Sapri, R. (2022). A Guided Discovery Learning Model to Improve Conceptual Understanding in Learning Physic. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Dan Matematik Malaysia, 12(2), 77–92. https://doi.org/10.37134/jpsmm.vol12.2.6.2022