The Validity of Teaching and Learning Module Integrated Challenge-Based Learning Methods in Topic Consumer Mathematics
Kesahan Modul Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Berintegrasikan Kaedah Pembelajaran Berasaskan Cabaran bagi Tajuk Matematik Pengguna
Challenge-Based Learning, Consumer Mathematics, ADDIE Model, Gerlach and Ely Model, thinking skillsAbstract
This study aims to administer the validity of the teaching and learning module (PdP) that integrates the Challenge Based Learning (PBC). This module is also known as the CHABLE (CHAllenge Based Learning) module in the learning of Consumer Mathematics. In this study, the research design used is Develop and Design Research (DDR). This CHABLE module uses a combination of the ADDIE model and the Gerlach and Ely model. This built module contains four learning units found in user mathematics titles. The topics are savings and investments, credit and debt management, financial planning and management and personal financial plans. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the validity of the module was assessed by experts in the field by identifying the appropriateness of filling in the module. Two instruments were used, namely the Content Validity Questionnaire (SSKK) and the Module Evaluation Questionnaire (SSPM). Content validity analysis was carried out using the Content Validity Index method (CVI). The findings of the study show that the CHABLE module has a satisfactory level of validity with a CVI value of 1.00. Therefore, the CHABLE Module is believed to be able to be used as a guidance material for mathematics teachers and form 4 students in applying thinking skills to meet the challenges of the present and future.
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