Differences in employability based on gender: A survey study on the perspectives of UiTM sports graduates
Perbezaan kebolehpasaran berdasarkan jantina: Kajian tinjauan terhadap perspektif graduan sukan UiTM
Employability, Sports Graduates, Graduates Perceptions, University GraduatesAbstract
The employability of graduates plays an important role in the labour market demand for the government and private sector. Employers are always looking for creative, flexible and highly skilled graduates to be employed in the organization due to the unemployment rate that causes competition in getting jobs. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the differences in employability among UiTM sports graduates based on gender by measuring the domain of abilities and competence. This survey involved a total of 370 sports graduates who have worked in the government and private sectors. This research instrument contains 20 items to measure employability, consisting of domains of capabilities and competence. Data was analyzed using MANOVA analysis using SPSS software. The study results show no significant difference in the mean score based on gender for the employability of UiTM sports graduates (p = 0.00 > 0.05). This means that male and female UiTM sports graduates agree that they can realize their potential in the long term and can do something or work in the organization. In conclusion, an understanding of the employability among sports graduates can help the university to ensure that the graduates produced have high employability in line with the needs of the industry. Future studies are suggested to involve employers and graduates together as survey respondents to see points of difference that can be improved for the common good.
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