Supra-segmental Phonemes and Their Connotations in the Early Childhood Poetry

الفونيمات فوق القطعية ودلالاتها في شِعْر الطفولة المبكرة


  • Esmat Khorshed Childhood Department, Faculty of Education, Tanta University, Egypt



Supra-segmental phonemes, Early childhood poetry, Phonemes Connotations, Phonology, Children's Literature


The phonemes of the language are the basis and construction of the subject of children’s literature in its various branches, especially the poetry of early childhood, which depends on the musical coloring of sounds, syllables, verses, or poetic lines presented to children in its tonal dress that is linked to the desired connotations, but the phoneme alone does not reflect the embroideries over these semantics. which includes the two phenomena (intonation and intonation); those phonetic phenomena that contribute to clarifying, and identifying meanings at the level of words, sentences, phrases, and the audio lesson helps in that; where it is used to identify the ways of pronouncing these words and the stress and intonation that each of them shares in being based on the units and audio syllables; which makes it easier for the recipient (the early stage child) to understand its meanings and its semantic fields. Therefore, the current research seeks to identify the importance of the proper vocal performance of supra-segmental phonemes, the most important of which are (tone and intonation); to reach the desired connotations in the poetic texts presented in simple classical in early childhood; relying on the descriptive approach in interpreting the semantics of these supra-segmental phonemes in selected models of early childhood poetry.


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How to Cite

Khorshed, E. (2023). Supra-segmental Phonemes and Their Connotations in the Early Childhood Poetry: الفونيمات فوق القطعية ودلالاتها في شِعْر الطفولة المبكرة. SIBAWAYH Arabic Language and Education, 4(1), 1–46.