Development of Self-Regulated Learning Material (SLM) for Enhancing Students' Basic Science Process Skills
Self-regulated Learning Materials, Academic performance, Forethought, Volition, Self-reflectionAbstract
This study examines the impact of self-regulated learning materials on the academic performance of Grade-3 students. Pre-test and posttest were implemented to identify the development of self-regulated learning materials. The materials underwent a validation process by the expert to ensure their content, format, presentation and organization, accuracy, and up-to-datedness were appropriate. Validating self-regulated learning materials is crucial to ensure suitability and efficacy. Furthermore, the materials evaluated based on phase, including forethought, volition, and self-reflection. Self-regulated Materials was evaluated by the school head for validation. A validated material has been carefully reviewed by experts to ensure that it is appropriate and effective. The evaluation rated as very satisfactory. The results indicated that these materials greatly extent students' ability to regulate their learning, enhance motivation, and develop critical think skills. The Pre-test and post-test were conducted before and after the use of supplementary materials to assess the basic science process skills. Inferential statistics were performed using t-test of difference to determine significant difference. The results indicated that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores, indicating the use of self-regulated learning materials significantly enhanced the skills and performance of Grade-3 students. Schools are encouraged to promote the use of self-regulated learning material to enhance learning outcomes. The future researcher on the same topic may be conducted for improving science education where students will be benefited. Educator may improve quality of education and support students in achieving their potential and academic success.
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