Multiple Regression of Mathematics Achievement Based on Mathematics Anxiety, Student Attitudes and Home Educational Resources
Multiple regression, mathematics achievement, mathematics anxiety, student attitudes, home educational resourcesAbstract
Mathematics anxiety, students’ attitudes, and home educational resources are among the factors that are often associated with students’ achievement. There are still few studies examining the relationship of these three variables to students’ achievement. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the relationship between mathematics anxiety, students' attitudes, and home educational resources on mathematics achievement among primary students. The Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (mAMAS) and Short Version of Attitudes toward Mathematics Inventory (Short ATMI) and home educational resources (HER) from TIMSS questionnaire were used in this study. The questionnaires were adapted using forward-back translation and two experts were invited to validate the translated questionnaires. A total of 214 year 5 students from three rural schools in Semporna Sabah became the respondents in this study. The results from the study showed the reliability of the questionnaire is acceptable. Cronbach alpha value of mAMAS is 0.882, Short ATMI (0.922) and HER (0.639). The data with no violation assumption then were analyses with multiple regression. The for mathematics anxiety, student attitudes, and home educational resources towards mathematics achievement was found to be 0.226 using ordinary least square as a parameter estimator. Mathematics anxiety, student attitudes, and home educational resources explain 22.6% of the variation in mathematics achievement. The results of the multiple regression analysis were found to be significant (F=20.483, df=3, p<0.001). The achievement in mathematics is only significantly explained by two of the three independent variables (p<0.05). More specifically, home educational resources (𝛽=0.303) and mathematics anxiety (𝛽=-0.188). While student attitudes variable is not significant in explaining Mathematics achievement (p=0.054).
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