Content Analysis on Space Topic in 2021 Revised KSSR Mathematics Textbook

Analisis Kandungan Topik Ruang dalam Buku Teks Matematik KSSR Semakan 2021


  • Guan Yi Tor Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA
  • Roslinda Rosli Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA



textbooks, mathematics, space, content analysis, revised KSSR


Mathematics textbook is an important source of guidance in mathematics learning and facilitation process (PdPc). This study aims to identify the differences in content presentation, exercises and activity of the topic of Space between revised KSSR standard 5 mathematics textbook version 2021 for National Primary School (SK) and revised KSSR standard 5 mathematics textbook version 2021 for Chinese Type National  Primary School (SJKC). The content analysis includes explanation of concept and procedure and application of STEM activity, construct, construct and difficulty levels of exercises and the numbers of exercises. Anecdotal analysis was conducted to display the findings of content presentation narratively, while the exercises and activity are analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that there are differences in mathematics concept delivery and STEM activity application between these two mathematics textbooks, while most of the exercises are at moderate difficulty levels. Therefore, this study is essential in the improvement of textbooks content based on illustration and difficulty levels of exercises to help  weaker students in their mathematics learning.



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How to Cite

Tor, G. Y., & Rosli, R. (2022). Content Analysis on Space Topic in 2021 Revised KSSR Mathematics Textbook: Analisis Kandungan Topik Ruang dalam Buku Teks Matematik KSSR Semakan 2021. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Dan Matematik Malaysia, 12(2), 93–106.

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