Systematic Literature Review: The Use of GeoGebra Software in Geometry Learning
Sorotan Literatur Bersistematik: Penggunaan Perisian GeoGebra dalam Pembelajaran Geometri
GeoGebra, geometry learning, systematic literature review, dynamics mathematics softwareAbstract
This systematic literature review aims to critically analyse and synthesize research trends related to the use of GeoGebra software in geometry learning. SCOPUS and World of Science (WOS) were used to find articles from 2018 to 2022. This study used PRISMA Model in filtering articles and Miles and Huberman Interactive Model to analyse the data. In both databases, only 20 articles met the study criteria and were included in the analysis of this study. Among the ten countries involved in the publication of studies on the use of GeoGebra software in learning geometry, the findings of the analysis show that Indonesia and South Africa recorded the highest publication frequency. As for the year of publication, 2020 and 2021 are the years that recorded the highest number of research article publications. Most studies usedquantitative research approach, quasi-experimental design and most of the study samples are students. Research instruments such as tests are the primary choice for most research. For the analysis of the scope of the study, most studies investigate the effects of using this software. The study findings show that the use of this software is positively affects learning and student achievement. The findings of the study also show that the practice of using GeoGebra software among teachers has not yet been fully implemented due to competence in technology and exposure to the software is still limited. Therefore, it is hoped that a further study of the systematic literature review on the practice of using GeoGebra software in learning geometry can be studied in the future as a reference for mathematics teachers who wish to implement the use of GeoGebra software in learning geometry.
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