Understand the Turnover Intention among Kindergarten Teachers in Chinese Mainland


  • Shi Hu Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia




Family-supportive supervisor, job stress, KG (kindergarten) teachers, turnover intention, workload, work-family conflict


In recent years, teachers in kindergarten from Chinese mainland face many new challenges after ECE promoting policy in 2010 by Chinses Ministry of Education. Therefore high-quality KG teachers with excellent job performance and long retention are necessary. However, due to the high workload and low salary the turnover intention among KG teachers in China is high. Once turnover happens, both direct cost and indirect cost would occur, which would bring negative influence on ECE quality. Due to the professional nature of KG teachers the replacement is hard therefore it is important to understand how to achieve retention of KG teachers. Therefore, workload and work-life conflict are identified as independent variables to predict the turnover intention among KG teachers in Chinese mainland mediated by job stress and moderated by family-supportive supervisor. At last, through data analysis by SmartPLS workload and work-life conflict are positively related to turnover intention among KG teachers in Chinese mainland mediated by job stress. However, family-supportive supervisor does not have a moderating effect on the relationship between workload, work-life conflict and job stress. This study gives new insights for understanding the factors that are related to turnover intention among KG teachers in Chinese mainland.



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How to Cite

Hu, S. (2020). Understand the Turnover Intention among Kindergarten Teachers in Chinese Mainland. Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education, 10(1), 96–110. https://doi.org/10.37134/jrpptte.vol10.1.7.2020