Effects of student-centered learning approaches towards interest in science


  • Jackylou Saludes Sarsale Southern Leyte State University-San Juan Campus, Philippines
  • Marie Khul Cabalo Langub Southern Leyte State University-Main Campus, Philippines




Inquiry-based learning, interest, learning experiences, problem-based learning, science education


The need to improve the way science is taught in Philippine classrooms arises because of the decline in the performance in science among high school students. This study investigates the effects of student-centered approaches, such as inquiry-based learning (IBL) and problem-based learning (PBL), on students’ interest in learning science. This study utilized an explanatory sequential mixed-method design. A total of 44 Grade 12 students served as respondents to the survey through a complete enumeration technique. Data were collected using a modified science interest questionnaire, a journal, and through a one-time recorded interview. Results revealed that IBL and PBL showed a significant difference in students’ interest after exposure to both approaches. IBL and PBL activities encourage student engagement, critical thinking, and creativity. However, a few students felt distressed about IBL activities and disclosed negative views of PBL as difficult and time-consuming.


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How to Cite

Sarsale, J. S., & Langub, M. K. C. (2023). Effects of student-centered learning approaches towards interest in science. Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education, 13(2), 73–85. https://doi.org/10.37134/jrpptte.vol13.2.5.2023


