Self-directed Learning in Music Teacher Education: Perspectives from Pre-service Music Teachers in South Korea


  • Jihae Shin Ewha Womans University



learner-centred, self-directed learning, teacher education, action research, music teacher education


This aim of this study is to investigate the perspectives of Korean pre-service music teachers on self-directed thesis seminar conducted in the graduate teacher education program. This research focused on 1) the attitude of pre-service music teachers towards self-directed thesis seminar and 2) the impact of self-directed thesis seminar on the progress of the pre-service music teachers’ performance. Ten pre-service music teachers participated in the researcher’s thesis seminar. The results demonstrated that most of the participants were anxious and insecure in managing the various educational resources as well as monitoring the progress of their study. However, the self-directed thesis seminar has indirectly provided the participants with a new learning environment to manage their own goals, initiate their own learning, and responsible for their own progress and outcomes. The findings also showed that collaborative learning is essential as an instructional approach in self-directed learning to enable the participants to share their views from different perspectives and develop critical thinking.


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Author Biography

Jihae Shin, Ewha Womans University

Jihae Shin is an assistant professor in a graduate school of education at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea, where she teaches music education courses. She earned her master’s degree at the Ohio State University and doctoral degree at Teachers College, Columbia University, USA. Her research interests focus on teacher education, professional development, string music education, and music teaching and learning.


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How to Cite

Shin, J. (2020). Self-directed Learning in Music Teacher Education: Perspectives from Pre-service Music Teachers in South Korea. Malaysian Journal of Music, 9, 29–41.