The Perception Of Parents Towards Specialized Malay Language Reading Skills Modules In Preschool Education
Malay Language, Preschool Education, reading module, reading skills, parents' perceptionAbstract
This study explores parents' perceptions and experiences regarding existing Malay reading modules in preschool education and their impact on children's reading proficiency. Five parents were interviewed, revealing a unanimous consensus on the importance of a special module for reading Malay for preschoolers according to the national curriculum. Such modules are seen as effective tools to foster early reading skills and standardize content for consistent education. Concerns and challenges associated with commercially available reading modules are also highlighted, emphasizing the need for rigorous evaluation. This study also underlines the importance of the involvement of the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MoE) in the development and content validity and reliability of specific reading modules. The findings of the study also provide insight into improving reading skills among preschool students, in line with the national preschool curriculum and the need to conduct further research on the development of special Malay language modules in early childhood education.
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