Development and Validating the Number and Mathematical Operations Problem-Solving Framework in the Form of Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) through Bar Model Strategy - A Fuzzy Delphi Methods
Fuzzy Delphi Method, framework, HOTS, Bar Model, performanceAbstract
This study was conducted to develop and obtain the expert consensus using Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) on the Number And Mathematical Operations Problem-Solving Framework (NMOPSF) in the form of HOTS through Bar Model Strategy. NMOPSFthrough Bar Model strategy is developed as an important guide for pupils in solving HOTS problem-solving questions in Mathematics. Through FDM, the process of obtaining expert consensus was carried out on two stages. The first stage is a structured interview administered to 7 experts in Mathematics education to identify the components in the NMOPSFthrough Bar Model strategy. On the second stage, the consensus of 15 experts in Mathematics education was obtained using a 7-point Likert scale questionnaire. The interview conducted has identified four main components in NMOPSFthrough Bar Model strategy, namely Concept, Procedure/Algorithm, Representation and Strategy, two special components, namely the Value and ICT (Cybergogy) and two items namely Polya Model and the Bar Model Strategy. From the research conducted, it is found that all the components and items for the NMOPSFthrough Bar Model strategy have met the three main conditions of FDM which is the threshold value (dconstruct) ≤ 0.2, the percentage of expert group consensus ≥ 75% and the value of α-Cut (Fuzzy score) ≥ 0.5. These findings suggest that all the components and items for the NMOPSFthrough Bar Model strategy are necessary to help Year Five pupils solve HOTS problem-solving questions in Mathematics well.
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