

  • Clare Suet Ching Chan Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjong Malim, Perak, MALAYSIA




In the Volume 5, Issue I of the Malaysian Music Journal, we present six articles from the areas of interdisciplinary research, ethnomusicology, music education, composition and electronic music. The articles in this volume broaden our view of song text composition, music modules produced by the ministry, musical notation systems, adaptation of world music pedagogy, inspirations to compositions and the quality of digital recordings. These articles also address the continuous negotiation among musicians and composers between musical sustainability and innovation. In his article, The Evolution of the Polpolot: Innovation and Continuity in a Baluan Song Form, Lewis discusses the usage of language in the song text of polpolot, a twopart vocal form from Baluan Island in the Manus province of Papua New Guinea. He posits that polpolot is increasingly being sung in Tok Pisin, the official language of the new nation and the English language, rather than the indigenous language in which it was originally sung, Ngolan Paluai.Lewis refers to this choice of language as ‘looking inward and outward’ in which the use of contemporary indigenous language is more inclusive of the younger generation of Baluan, while the use of English as more engaging of an international audience. This article demonstrates a degree of sustainability that evolves in a manner, which does not compromise the interests of the current generation.


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How to Cite

Chan, C. S. C. (2016). Editorial. Malaysian Journal of Music, 5(1), v-vi. Retrieved from https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/index.php/MJM/article/view/1153