Development of an Intervention Counseling Module in Addressing the Issue of Violent Behavior Among Secondary School Students
Pembangunan Modul Kaunseling Intervensi dalam Menangani Isu Tingkahlaku Langsang dalam Kalangan Murid Sekolah Menengah
Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, stages of changeAbstract
The increase in disciplinary cases among school students is worrying. Issues involving school students in various negative activities seem to be increasingly difficult to control and to curb. Therefore, the counseling intervention approach is seen to be a possible effective way to deal with issues related to students’ misbehavior at school. Previous studies have proven that the integration of counseling interventions and several counseling therapies in an approach known as 'Brief Therapy' is seen as one of the effective counseling interventions. Therefore, the researcher suggests that a concept paper for the development of a counseling intervention module should be implemented to deal with the issue of promiscuous behavior among high school students. This concept paper also refers to the Motivational Interviewing strategy which is based on the behavior change scale or better known as the Transtheoritical Model and Stages of Change . Motivational Interviewing is also a therapy that cannot be carried out on its own, instead (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) can help speed up the treatment process, based on the construction of the module that has been made based on the Module Construction introduced by Sidek Noah. In developing a module, this Model has set two levels - nine steps in the first level and two steps in the second level. This Counseling Intervention module will go through all the suggested stages. Implications of this study will increase the understanding related to the process of behavior change which can help reduce disruptive behavior. Therefore, this issue of disruptive behavior needs to be given special attention and a new approach needs to be fully mastered by counselors and treatment practitioners. In addition, it will also be able to help achieve the goals of the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2013-2025 (PPPM) through strategic planning in schools that stress on development of students potential.
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