A Bibliometric Study on Special Educational Needs (SEN): The Growth Trajectory


  • Wang Ya Nan Hai Nan University, China
  • Low Hui Min Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia




Special Educational Needs (SEN), Bibliometric analysis, Web of Science (WOS), The Growth Trajectory and Future Preview


Students with special educational needs (SEN) are the ones who struggle more than most kids their age to study or access education because of their disabilities or learning challenges. Since SEN became an official research topic in 1971, its significance in scholarly discussions has expanded tremendously, which has led to an increase in its research output. The database Web of Science, for example, has 4057 publications related to the subject of SEN. This study uses the core database in WOS as a data source and screens 2599 of these high-quality publications (including articles, conference papers, and reviews) to summarize the growth trajectory of the SEN field. Two key findings were identified. First, the global publication trend reveals a rise in scholarly interest in SEN research, with an especially noticeable increase in publications since 2005. While SEN research have been slowly rising across Asia over decades, this tendency became more obvious in 2013. Second, there has been a growth in keywords related to SEN provision in both global and Asian trend patterns.


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How to Cite

Wang, Y. N., & Low, H. M. (2024). A Bibliometric Study on Special Educational Needs (SEN): The Growth Trajectory . Jurnal Pendidikan Bitara UPSI, 17, 11–25. https://doi.org/10.37134/bitara.vol17.sp.2.2024


