A review of the challenges and merits of collaborative learning in online translation classes
Collaborative learning, Covid-19, face to face, online, translationAbstract
Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide, instructors and learners had to turn to online learning and teaching instead of the traditional physical mode. With this shift to online education, the innovative pedagogical approaches play a key role in facilitating effective communication and teaching approaches. The purpose of this review paper was to explore the merits and challenges of Collaborative Learning approach in online mode of teaching. Using a review protocol, the most recent and relevant studies were identified by searching the keywords from reliable databases, and descriptions were provided. Problems such as accessibility, learner motivation, technical issues, digital skills, time management, and cost-efficiency were identified as some of the challenges in most of the studies reviewed. It was concluded that Collaborative Learning in teaching Translation is an effective and dynamic approach that could contribute to the autonomous learning. A mix of both online and face to face modes of teaching, i.e., blended (hybrid) learning, was recommended as effective for Translation students. Finally, instructors were recommended to remind students about their responsibity regularly for more productive interaction, and effective engagement in the discussions and activities, as well as voicing out their opinions. This could make the learners become more crtitical and flexible learners who are constantly involved in teamwork and can accomplish Translation projects and assignments successfully.
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