High School Science Teacher Interests and Skills Use of Google Classroom
Minat dan Kemahiran Guru Sains Sekolah Menengah Terhadap Penggunaan Google Classroom
Google Classroom, quantitative method, One-way ANOVA, Skills, InterestsAbstract
The focus of this study was to examine the relationship between teachers’ interests and teachers’ skills in using Google Classroom in the learning process and science facilitation. This survey study used a simple random sampling technique to select 30 respondents in secondary schools in the Manjung district. This quantitative method uses a 5 -point Likert questionnaire. The study’s respondents consisted of 30 secondary school science teachers in the Manjung district. The tests used in this study were independent t-test and one-way ANOVA. The study results showed significant differences in interest in using Google Classroom according to the gender of teachers. In addition, the findings found there were no significant differences in Google Classroom usage skills based on teachers’ gender. The findings showed a significant difference in interest in using Google Classroom at the age of teachers. Moreover, the findings showed a significant difference in the skills of using Google Classroom with the age of teachers. The conclusions from this study show that science teachers can operate the Google Classroom well when the learning and teaching process takes place. The effect of using Google Classroom is to make the learning and teaching process in the classroom run smoothly.
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