The effects of plyometric and hill training on leg muscle strength among athletes across different phases of the menstrual cycle
plyometric training, hill training, leg muscle strength, menstrual cycleAbstract
This study aims to analyze the effects of plyometric and hill training on leg muscle strength among female athletes across the menstrual cycle phases. A total of 30 female athletes, aged 14 to 17, from the Cameron Highlands district participated in the study. The participants were divided into three groups: a control group (n=10), a hill training group (n=10), and a plyometric training group (n=10). The training interventions for the plyometric and hill training groups were conducted biweekly over a period of 12 weeks, specifically during the late follicular and early luteal phases of the menstrual cycle. Leg muscle strength was assessed using the squat jump test, conducted during both pre and post-intervention phases across different menstrual cycle phases. A three-way ANOVA revealed significant differences in leg muscle strength between the groups (p<0.05), at different test times (p<0.05), and across menstrual phases (p<0.05). The results indicated that leg muscle strength in the plyometric training group was significantly greater than control group (mean difference = 2.033, p<0.05) and the hill training group (mean difference = 1.367, p<0.05). Additionally, Tukey Post Hoc analysis demonstrated that leg muscle strength was significantly higher before menses compared to during menses (mean difference = 1.083, p<0.05) and also significantly higher after menses compared to during menses (mean difference = 1.667, p<0.05). These findings suggest that exercise serves as a mechanical stimulus for skeletal muscles, which must then be converted into biochemical signals to facilitate muscle adaptation. The hormonal fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle, including variations in estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), are likely to influence strength outcomes. In conclusion, this study indicates that plyometric training effectively enhances leg muscle strength among female athletes aged 14 to 17, particularly when training is aligned with specific phases of the menstrual cycle for optimal results.
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