General Health and Psychological Well-Being in Esports Among Adolescents and Young Adult Esports Athletes
eSports, general health, psychological well-being, adolescent, young adultAbstract
Excessive play of eSports as a video game lead to excessive screen time that is linked to risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Due to various health risks associated with eSport players, it comes to our attention to investigate the current general health status of the eSports athletes. Having positive psychological well-being is very important to human beings as it composes self-acceptance, environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in life, autonomy and positive relations with others. Purpose of this study is to reveal how eSports affects adolescents and young adults' general health and psychological well-being. Subjects were high school and college students participated in eSports tournaments ranging from 14–26 years of age completed the general health status questionnaire (SF-1) and psychological well-being scale. The Mann-Whitney U Test used in this study to answer the research objective. Finding on general health status showed mean and standard deviation score for adolescents is (1.86 ± 0.85) and young adults (1.94 ± 0.92) and the mean score of overall health status between age groups is (1.89 ± 0.87). Mann-Whitney U Test showed the exact significance was not significant at the p-value 0.846. Psychological well-being score revealed adolescents had a higher (42.86 ±12.43) than young adults (42.25 ± 10.76) and the mean psychological well-being score between age groups is (42.59 ± 11.59). Mann-Whitney U Test showed the exact significance has no significant value (p-value 0.596) between the group. eSports did not significantly impact respondents' psychological well-being since the mean of the whole psychological well-being scale was 42.59, close to 56. Overall eSports did not influence adolescents and young adults' general health and psychological well-being. However, considering the emerging popularity of eSports and increasing digital platforms nowadays, undoubtedly bringing even more sedentary life. Future research should consider the amount of playing time (hours) per day among eSports professional players that have a special schedule of training in order to measure the effects of eSports participation on psychological well-being more precisely.
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