Pembinaan, Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Inventori Kepimpinan Guru

The Development, Validity and Reliability of Teacher Leadership Inventory


  • Mahaliza Mansor Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Mohd Asri Mohd Noor Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Khalip Musa Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Hamidah Yusof Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia



exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, teacher leadership


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melaporkan pembinaan, kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan Inventori Kepimpinan Guru (IKG) yang digunakan untuk menilai kepimpinan guru. Fasa pertama kajian telah dijalankan menerusi analisis faktor eksploratori (Exploratory Factor Analysis) terhadap data 60 orang guru terlatih di sekolah rendah kebangsaan di daerah Petaling Perdana, Selangor. Dapatan kajian menerusi analisis faktor eksploratori melalui putaran `orthogonal` kaedah `varimax`telah membentuk tiga faktor IKG. Nilai pekali kebolehpercayaan Alfa Cronbach keseluruhan item adalah .91. Pada fasa kedua kajian pula, analisis faktor pengesahan (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) telah dijalankan terhadap data 244 orang di 6 buah sekolah rendah berprestasi tinggi di Selangor. Tujuan analisis faktor pengesahan dijalankan adalah untuk menyokong dapatan struktur faktor (factor structure) yang terhasil dari kajian fasa pertama. Nilai pekali kebolehpercayaan Alfa Cronbach bagi kesemua item ialah .84 manakala untuk setiap faktor yang terbentuk adalah di antara .76 hingga .88. Kesimpulannya, dapatan bagi analisis faktor pengesahan telah menyokong kewujudan tiga faktor yang telah dibuktikan menerusi analisis faktor eksploratori.

The aim of this article is to report the development, validity and reliability of Teacher Leadership Inventory (IKG), which is used to assess the teacher leadership. The first phase of the study has been carried out through Exploratory Factor Analysis on the 60-trained teachers in the national primary school in Petaling Perdana district, Selangor. The findings of the study by exploratory factor analysis through the `orthogonal` rotation of` varimax` method has formed three IKG factors. The reliability coefficient of Alfa Cronbach's overall value is .91. In the second phase of the study, Confirmatory Factor Analysis has been conducted on 244 samples data from six high-performing primary schools in Selangor. The purpose of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis is to support the findings of the factor structure developed from the first phase study. Alfa Cronbach's reliability coefficient for all items is .84 whereas for each factor formed ranged from .76 to .88. In conclusion, the findings for the validation factor analysis have supported the existence of three factors that have been proven through an exploratory factor analysis.



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How to Cite

Mansor, M., Mohd Noor, M. A., Musa, K., & Yusof, H. (2018). Pembinaan, Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Inventori Kepimpinan Guru: The Development, Validity and Reliability of Teacher Leadership Inventory. Management Research Journal, 7, 132–145.

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