Pengaruh Efikasi Kendiri Guru Pra Perkhidmatan terhadap Kesediaan Kepimpinan Guru

The Influence of Pre-Service Teacher's Self-efficacy on Teacher Leadership Readiness


  • Masturah Zainal Abidin Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
  • Khalip Musa Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia



pre-service teachers, teacher leadership, teacher self-efficacy, teacher preparation program


Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti pengaruh efikasi kendiri guru terhadap kesediaan kepimpinan guru. Kajian ini adalah kajian kuantitatif yang menggunakan dua jenis instrumen soal selidik iaitu Skala Efikasi Kendiri Guru dan Kesediaan Kepimpinan Guru. Seramai 256 orang guru pra perkhidmatan yang berada di semester lapan di sebuah universiti telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian melalui pensampelan berstrata. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferens. Hasil kajian menunjukkan efikasi kendiri guru (m = 6.91, s.d. = 0.96) dan kesediaan kepimpinan guru (m = 3.95, s.d. = 0.40) berada pada tahap tinggi. Hasil analisis regresi linear mudah menunjukkan efikasi kendiri guru pra perkhidmatan mempengaruhi kesediaan kepimpinan guru pada nilai R2 = .35, F(134.749), p<0.05. Kesimpulannya, efikasi kendiri guru merupakan faktor penting dalam menyediakan kesediaan kepimpinan guru. Implikasi kajian ini mencadangkan program persediaan guru mestilah memberi focus kepada pembinaan efikasi kendiri dalam kurikulum bagi menyediakan guru-guru pelatih dengan kepimpinan guru pada peringkat awal karier.

This study aims to identify the effect of teacher self-efficacy on the readiness of teacher leadership. This study is quantitative in nature and uses questionnaires as instruments in collecting data i.e. Teacher Self-Efficiency Scale and Teacher's Readiness. A total of 256 pre-service teachers who were in the eighth semester at a public university were selected as a sample through a stratified sampling technique. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferential. The results showed that teachers' self efficacy (m = 6.91, s.d = 0.96) and teacher leadership readiness (m = 3.95, s.d = 0.40) were high. The result of the simple linear regression analysis showed that the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers influenced the readiness of teacher leadership at R2 = .35, F (134.749), p <0.05. In conclusion, teacher's self-efficacy is an important factor in providing teacher leadership readiness. The implication of this study suggests that the teachers’ preparation program should consider self-efficacy as one of the important components in its curriculum in order to provide teacher trainers with teacher leadership at an early stage of career.



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How to Cite

Zainal Abidin, M., & Musa, K. (2018). Pengaruh Efikasi Kendiri Guru Pra Perkhidmatan terhadap Kesediaan Kepimpinan Guru: The Influence of Pre-Service Teacher’s Self-efficacy on Teacher Leadership Readiness. Management Research Journal, 7, 117–125.

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