Installation: Colour, Space and Environment


  • Mohd Fauzi Sedon
  • Siti Fazlina Isnin


installation, colour,, space, environment.


Artists have interpreted and explore the concept of colour, space and environment in variety of different forms of installations to represent various contexts: physically and visually, emotionally and psychologically. Liam Gillick’s and Daniel Buren’s works especially manipulate colour reflection through the use of coloured panels that arrange in repetitive geometric forms effectively transform the space into a glowing colour reflection environment. By exploring the concept of illusionary planes, Sol LeWitt’s installations manipulate viewers’ perception and the relationship between colour, space and architecture. Meanwhile, Olafur Eliasson is the artist that explores colours and its effect on space and surroundings within the context of perception and reality. The unique character of each installation has a strong role in influencing a physiological and psychological experience.


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How to Cite

Sedon, M. F., & Isnin, S. F. (2019). Installation: Colour, Space and Environment. KUPAS SENI: Jurnal Seni Dan Pendidikan Seni, 2. Retrieved from

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