The development of Kwartalino Financial Education Program for kindergarten learners
financial literacy, financial education, financial education program, financial education program development, kindergarten learners, Kwartalino Financial Education ProgramAbstract
Teaching basic personal financial concepts and principles even among young learners is beneficial not only for the child, but also for the family and the entire society. This study aimed to develop an integrated financial education program for kindergarten learners. The study employed developmental research following three stages (analysis, design, and development) which include document analysis and curriculum mapping of three international financial education standards to the Philippine Kindergarten Curriculum, expert consultations, and teacher interviews. The developed financial education program is entitled “Kwartalino (kwarta meaning money and talino which means intelligent) Financial Education Program”. It has five essential components; (i) Program Overview; (ii) Matrix of Kwartalino Lessons, Kinder Learning Domains and Competencies for Three International Financial Education Standards; (iii) Teacher’s Instructional Plan; (iv) Learner’s Workbook; and (v) Kwartalino Financial Education Stories. Result show that experts rated the program with high content validity (4.79 out of 5) with high content validity coefficient of 0.95. Expert raters also show moderate agreement on the financial lessons and workbook indicative that the developed financial education program can be utilized for classroom instruction to teach financial literacy among kindergarten learners.
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