Investigation of the guidelines for developing animation videos for History subject in Malaysia
animated video, multimedia in education, History educationAbstract
In today's technology era, animated videos have found a place in various sectors, and among them is the field of education. Following that, animated videos have become a necessity in the field of education and teaching, especially for fifth-form History subjects. This is because history is a subject that attracts little interest from most students because of its passive and boring nature. Effective guidelines play an important role in developing animated videos that can improve learning outcomes, especially for this History subject. This research is intended to look at the guidelines for the development of animation videos specifically for fifth-form History subjects. This study uses a qualitative methodology with a semi-structured interview method to review the guidelines for the development of animation videos specifically for History subjects. The expert interview was carried out through five steps adapted from a previous study and involved five experts in the field of study, who were appointed in two areas of expertise, namely educational multimedia and historical education. The results of the study show that effective guidelines for the development of animated videos that meet the needs of History subjects can increase student interest and performance in SPM. Therefore, the provision of detailed and appropriate guidelines and appropriate learning is important to ensure that the animated videos developed can help the teaching and learning process (TnL) in History subjects.
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