Using video blogging (Vlog) to enhance English language speaking skills in a Malaysian secondary school
Video Blogging, VLOG, ESL, Speaking skillsAbstract
Technology offers various means to enhance teaching and learning. In this study, Video Blogging (VLOG) was implemented as a tool for second language learning. The aim of the study was to investigate the use of VLOG to enhance the speaking skills of Malaysian secondary school students and to explore their experiences of using VLOG. The participants consisted of 80 Form 2 students enrolled in a Malaysian public school. This study employed a qualitative research design and collected data through open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Data collected from the questionnaire and interview were analyzed using thematic analysis. Based on the findings, the study demonstrated that using VLOG contributed positively to the students’ speaking skills by improving their fluency, motivating them to speak in English, and enhancing their vocabulary. Considering the findings, it is recommended for teachers and practitioners to incorporate VLOG in the teaching and learning of speaking in the second language classroom.
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